
Interview of the month in Carpet Home II/2023: Mc Three opens a new chapter

Now that it is certain that fully integrated Flemish carpet producer Mc Three willremain in family hands, the company is now setting a course for the future aftersuccessfully exhibiting at Domotex. In September 2022, Peter Desmet took over as CEO and is now responsible for the company‘s fortunes. Investments are being madein design, personnel, sustainability, new technologies and automation. Having mostmaterials and production steps all in-house makes the manufacturer independentand agile. Carpet Home visited McThree and spoke with CEO Peter Desmet, DesignManager Ophélie Vanhoutte, Product Development and Sustainability Officer Flo VanTongel and Marketing Officer Yentl Van der Plas. Read the interview of the month in the online edition of Carpet Home II/2023. → Link to Carpet Home II/2023

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Interview of the month in Carpet Home II/2023: Mc Three opens a new chapter
Foto/Grafik: SN-Verlag
Product Development & Sustainability Officer Flo Van Tongel, Design Manager Ophélie Vanhoutte, Marketing Officer Yentl Van der Plas, CEO Peter Desmet.
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