Advertisements and banners in Carpet Home, and the Carpet Home Newsletter

Print media

Carpet Home

An advertisement in Carpet Home is the effective way to draw the attention of decsion makers in the carpet and interior trade to your company and your new products. We can help you to strengthen your position in the market, to intensify the connection to your regular clientele and also to win over new customers.

The decision makers in the rug industry read Carpet Home:
owners, purchasing managers, sales managers & department managers at:
  • Carpet retail shops
  • Carpet departments in furnishing stores
  • Online retailers & mail order companies
  • Specialist stores & chain stores
  • Upscale interior decorators, interior designers

Carpet Home is read worldwide, with a focus on Europe. All reporting is consistently in English and German. This ensures a high level of acceptance both in the strong German-speaking markets and among international readers.

Mediainformationen Carpet Home

Information on formats, prices and dates as well as the main topics of the upcoming issues can be found in the current media information.

Online media

The website is the bilingual branch portal of Carpet Home. It addresses the entire carpet industry in German (.de) and English (.com).

With its daily updated industry news, is a central source of information for the industry and the perfect complement to the quarterly printed Carpet Home. In addition, Carpet Home regularly presents exciting new products on the website. A job market completes the offer for decision-makers and professionals.

Formats, placement options and prices can be found in the media information.

The Carpet Home newsletter

The Carpet Home newsletter is the free email newsletter service provided by Carpet Home. The newsletter is sent out in English and German and regularly summarises the most important news from, 2-4 times a month depending on the news volume. The high profile of Carpet Home guarantees a very high level of attention, so that your online advertising is successful.

Formats, placement options and prices can be found in the media information.


SN-Verlag Michael Steinert
An der Alster 21
20099 Hamburg / Germany

Adversting consultant

Oliver Trettin
+49 40 / 24 84 54 49
+49 40 / 280 37 88

Media information

Information on formats, prices and dates as well as the main topics of the upcoming issues can be found in the current media information
Carpet Home

Carpet Home newsletter
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