
Cover story in Carpet Home II/2023: Rezas - Our warehouse is your warehouse

At the beginning of the year, Danish carpet importer Rezas introduced its expanded product range. Machine-woven carpets are a new third business line complementing its classic and modern lines of premium handmade rugs. Reza Rejaye, who founded the company in 1991, offers customers a comprehensive, flexible service package for more convenient andefficient sales, both online and in-store. Carpet Home paid a visit at the company’s headquarters in Odense and talked to Sales Director Jesper Andersen and Marketing and E-Commerce Manager. Read the cover story in the online edition of Carpet Home II/2023. → Link to Carpet Home II/2023

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Cover story in Carpet Home II/2023: Rezas - Our warehouse is your warehouse
Foto/Grafik: Rezas
Savannah. Everyday. Rezas
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