Farhadian Farhadian

Carpet Lounge, Berlin: Online and offline skilfully connected

Dirk Golisch, a carpet expert with many years of sales experience, opened his Berlin shop shortly before the lockdown. The products range from the upper mid-segment to the high end. The Carpet Lounge Berlin is well received – not least thanks to its well thought-out website that includes an online shop.

While bricks-and-mortar retailers are increasingly expanding their online businesses, Dirk Golisch has approached the matter the other way round: Carpet Lounge Berlin started off exclusively online; a year later, the bricks-and-mortar shop was opened. It is located in the well-off Berlin district of Steglitz near the Botanical Garden, where many young go pushing prams along the streets – and past the new "Carpet Lounge" shop, which has been offering high-quality rugs and arpets in a quiet side street since the beginning of 2020. Actual "walk-in" customers rarely visit the shop, though. People tend to come specifically and mostly after they have already taken a detailed look at the shop's "virtual shop window" on the internet. Golisch has just redesigned the shop's website together with an agency: The site has been given an even clearer structure and has been enriched with many high-resolution images. "Visiting our online shop should feel like visiting in a real shop," Golisch explains. At each selection level, more filter options pop up so that people can again sort by colour, style and price within the individual categories. This has been well received: "Since the shop overhaul, I've been getting significantly more calls."

Read the whole story in Carpet Home IV/2021.

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Carpet Lounge, Berlin: Online and offline skilfully connected
Foto/Grafik: SN-Verlag
Dirk Golisch: "It is my ambition not to show standard rugs here, but something different that you don't see everywhere."
Dirk Golisch: "Es ist mein Anspruch, hier keine Standardware zu zeigen, sondern etwas anderes, das man nicht überall sieht."
Carpet Lounge, Berlin: Online and offline skilfully connected
Foto/Grafik: SN-Verlag
The Carpet Lounge is located in the well-off Berlin district of Steglitz near the Botanical Garden, where many young go pushing prams along the streets.
Die Carpet Lounge befindet sich im gut situierten Berliner Stadtteil Steglitz in der Nähe des Botanischen Gartens, wo viele junge Eltern Kinderwagen die Straßen entlangschieben.
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