
Schöner Wohnen magazine awards "Best of Design" label

Once a year, the "Schöner Wohnen" editorial team awards the "Best of Design" label. Thus, the interior design magazine is building up a new licensing business "and lets manufacturers benefit from the reputation and positive image with which the traditional brand has been shaping interior decoration in Germany for over 60 years", it says in a press release.

The editors awarded a total of 258 furniture, lighting and home accessories, including 16 area rugs. The spectrum ranges from entry-level products (a machine-woven Berber-look carpet by Kibek) to the luxury segment (designer carpets by Jan Kath and CC-Tapis). According to Schöner Wohnen, "when making the selection, the editorial team not only evaluates the design, but also aspects such as sustainability, ergonomics or functionality of the products." All manufacturers of the award-winning products can acquire the label and use it in their communication.

Further information is available on the magazine's website.

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Schöner Wohnen magazine awards "Best of Design" label
Foto/Grafik: Schöner Wohnen
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