
Outdoor and Custom Order: The results of our survey

Indoor/outdoor carpets and custom carpets are the main topics of the current issue of Carpet Home. In an online survey, we asked our international readers what role both categories play in their retail business.

The result: all participating retailers, whether carpet department or specialised retailer, had custom-order carpets in their shops; for most of them (about two thirds of the respondents), these account for a constant to increasing share of 10 to 25 % of total sales; for just under a fifth, the share of sales was even over 50 %. For almost two thirds of the respondents, turnover remained constant, for a good third it even increased. Among the carpet suppliers named were Paulig and Otto Golze; US participants also named Tamarian.

Significantly more retailers took part in the survey on outdoor carpets. A respectable 75 % already stock outdoor carpets, and sales are growing for over 40 % of the respondents – albeit (still) at a rather low level, currently between less than 5 % and 10 %. PAD, Balta, JAB Anstoetz and Mc Three – these companies were frequently named by respondents as suppliers of outdoor carpets.

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Outdoor and Custom Order: The results of our survey
Foto/Grafik: Makalu/Paulig
Outdoor and Custom Order: The results of our survey
Foto/Grafik: Oriental Weavers
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