
Flanders Flooring Days attracts almost 3,500 visitors

The organisers welcomed almost 3,500 visitors to the third edition of the Belgian trade fair Flanders Flooring Days from 13 to 16 May. In addition to the Belgian and Dutch flooring manufacturers who have exhibited in the past, producers from other European countries also presented themselves for the first time at The Hub exhibition centre in Kortrijk. 38 international exhibitors took advantage of this opportunity. In 2022 and 2023 (1,600 visitors last time), the Belgian carpet and flooring manufacturers organised the large in-house exhibition in their own showrooms, all located within a radius of less than 50 km. Founding members Associated Weavers Europe, Balta, Beaulieu International Group, Belysse, Lano, Unilin Flooring and US Floors/Coretec still play a central role in the show. Rug manufacturers Ragolle and Osta have also been inviting visitors to their showrooms since 2023, with Verbatex joining them this year.

Trend talks and a shuttle service between the showrooms and the Kortrijk exhibition centre were offered for the first time at the third edition of the fair. In view of the significant increase to 3,500 visitors, the organisers have already announced that the Flanders Flooring Days will take place again in 2025: from 2 to 5 June.

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Flanders Flooring Days attracts almost 3,500 visitors
Foto/Grafik: SN-Verlag
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