
Carpet Week Hamburg: the date for 2024 is set

Carpet Week Hamburg is the in-house trade fair format launched last year on the initiative of numerous Hamburg carpet importers and suppliers. Following events in May and September 2022 and Carpet Week Hamburg 2023 in September this year, the date for 2024 has now been set. During the week of 7-13 October 2024, participants will invite visitors to their warehouses and showrooms.

In the short time of its existence, Carpet Week Hamburg has grown to 36 participants. The field of participants is very heterogeneous, ranging from small specialists to full-range suppliers with a broad spectrum of services. The range of products to be expected in October 2024 is correspondingly diverse. It ranges from classic to modern, from affordable to high quality, and includes all relevant production types and countries of origin.

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Carpet Week Hamburg: the date for 2024 is set
Foto/Grafik: SN-Verlag
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