
Object Carpet: Roland Butz passed away

It is with deep sadness that Object Carpet announces the death of its founder Roland Butz. He passed away on 8 September 2023 in Zurich at the age of 82.

Roland Butz founded Object Carpet in 1972 and shaped the world of the carpet industry with his passion for design and quality. With his special flair for colour designs and innovations, he set new standards in the industry and established Object Carpet as a premium brand on an international level.

His special passion was artistic product photography. He presented carpeting not only as a functional element, but also as an art object: as a result, the brand was soon firmly anchored in the world of architecture and design.

"Roland Butz was not only an entrepreneur, but also a visionary. His passion and commitment to quality and design made Object Carpet what it is today. His death leaves a gap that cannot be filled. We are losing a pioneer, a mentor and a valued entrepreneur," says Daniel Butz, CEO of Object Carpet.

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Object Carpet: Roland Butz passed away
Foto/Grafik: Object Carpet
Roland Butz
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