
Carpet Week Hamburg 2023 - Special edition with all participants

On 11 September, Carpet Week Hamburg will start its third round. The number of participating importers and wholesalers is larger than ever before: in the week from 11 to 17 September 2023, 36 Hamburg carpet suppliers will open their warehouses and showrooms to international trade buyers.

Carpet Home readers can already prepare for their visit to Carpet Week Hamburg. A bilingual special edition ( English/German) is now available in which the participants introduce themselves. The special issue is completed by an overview map showing where to find the participants in Hamburg.

To read the digital version of the special edition as a flip page PDF, simply click on this link: Read special edition Carpet Week Hamburg online

If you would like to download the special edition, please click here: Download special edition Carpet Week Hamburg

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Carpet Week Hamburg 2023 - Special edition with all participants
Foto/Grafik: SN-Verlag
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