Farhadian Farhadian

Peter Willborg's "Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiâri" only available free of charge until 20 December

Peter Willborg's book "Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiâri" from 2022 is a reference work for Bakhtiar carpets. After the author's death, the remnants of the book are to be destroyed at short notice. For this reason, the staff of Willborg's carpet gallery in Stockholm have launched an appeal to preserve as many books as possible for the carpet world. The books will be given away free of charge to anyone who is interested. Only the transport costs have to be paid. The minimum quantity is 6 books (= 17,6 kg). Please contact Marie Gilmore at Thomson Colour Printers until 20 December 2022. Email: mgilmour@jtcp.co.uk

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Peter Willborg
Foto/Grafik: SN-Verlag
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