
Carpet Home: new advertising manager

Up to now, Mr Dennis Galle has been advising advertising customers of the business magazine Carpet Home with great commitment. As of 1 July, Galle will be leaving the team to pursue new career paths. The Carpet Home editorial team would like to thank him for his work and wish him continued success.

In Mr Oliver Trettin, Carpet Home has found an extremely competent successor for the position of advertising manager. Trettin, who holds a degree in business administration, has extensive experience in the media and advertising industry. On 1 June, he alread took on his new tasks at SN-Verlag in close cooperation with Dennis Galle.

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Carpet Home: new advertising manager
Foto/Grafik: SN-Verlag
Oliver Trettin, new advertising manager for the business magazine Carpet Home
Als Anzeigenleiter für die Fachzeitschrift Carpet Home neu an Bord: Oliver Trettin
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