
Carpet Stars 2021 awarded, new prize-winners wanted for 2022

Carpet Home has awarded five special prizes again this year: the Carpet Stars. The awards were given to exemplary carpet shops and departments that caught our attention with their great commitment, new ideas and creative solutions in various areas. We would like to thank them for their important work and inspire others in the industry to also show their „attitude“. Our congratulations go to our award winners Simpuro (Graz, AT), Möbel Hübner (Berlin, DE), Nygård Orientalske Tepper (Stabekk, NO), Möbel Pfister (Suhr, CH) and Frieder Schmidt (Oldenburg, DE). You can read more about the companies and people in our current issue Carpet Home I/2021.

And now for the future: More Stars will be rising in carpet retailing in 2022. How about you? Simply apply online.

PS: The Carpet Star is more than just a token of appreciation, it is also an excellent advertising tool.

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Carpet Stars 2021 awarded, new prize-winners wanted for 2022
Foto/Grafik: SN-Verlag
Carpet Home

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