
Paulig: Organic shapes: inviting and relaxing

You don’t really even need a sofa: the Salsa Lounge seat cushions with round carpets Salsa Jamaica and Salsa Tortuga make the floor itself an inviting place to relax. Made of 100% New Zealand wool, these soft pieces give you a real close-to-nature feel, with trendy, organic shapes and structures that appeal to the senses, making your home more homey and cosy.
These carpets are always made-to-measure in diameters up to 5 metres, their thick yarns braided and sewn by hand. Made of a slightly finer yarn, the Salsa Tortuga carpet is flatter than Salsa Jamaica. The Salsa Lounge seat cushions come in sizes S, M and L, and all products can be had either as unicolour or in a combination of up to three different colours.

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Paulig: Organic shapes: inviting and relaxing
Foto/Grafik: Paulig
Runde Formen: Teppich „Salsa Jamiaca“, Sitzkissen „Salsa Lounge“
Round shapes: Salsa Jamaica carpet, Salsa Lounge seat cushions
Paulig: Organic shapes: inviting and relaxing
Foto/Grafik: Paulig
Noch dicker und flauschiger: Teppich „Salsa Tortuga“
Even thicker and fluffier: The Salsa Tortuga carpet
Paulig: Organic shapes: inviting and relaxing
Foto/Grafik: Paulig
Sitzkissen „Salsa Lounge“
Salsa Lounge seat cushions
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