
E-Commerce in Germany: Accelerated growth in 2020

The German E-Commerce Association reports a 14.6% increase in sales for 2020 compared to 2019, with gross turnover rising from EUR 72.6 billion to EUR 83.3 billion. The main growth drivers were everyday goods such as food and pharmaceuticals. According to BEVH, almost every third online shopper in Germany is over 60 years old.

Gero Furchheim, BEVH President and Spokesman of the Board of Cairo AG: "This development will not be reversed. The social and political debate must therefore thoroughly change its perspective: In the future, e-commerce and its processes will be the basis from which customers start their shopping. The city centres and the retail trade need this digital foundation in order to still offer customers added value with their stationary offers. Urban development must finally face up to this reality and consistently involve those who are shaping the new trade."

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